Saturday, June 21, 2008

Rainy day

Jour cinq : We had a really nice day planned. It was all about going to a real Lazy River. Neil, Eunice (Lem's cousin), Titi and Tutu, came to pick us up to go to this new place they haden't gone before. A nice parc that offered an all natural lazy river where you just float along a small river with nice natural suroundings. We get there, we start blowing are tubes and as soon as MEB and Titi hit the water... thunder and lightning happens...everyone out of the river...booooooooo.

So we head over to their new house that's being what a great place.

Then we head over to Tom's for Burgers and volleyball (beacause by that time it had stoped raining). The burgers are excellent and we get up to 45 hits on the volleyball without it dropping... Fun times !!!

Then Tom and Neil tell us about a rubber tree and Tom decided to chop off a branch. I start making crazy rubber tree masks while Neil desperately tried to show us how they did rubber balls from the liquid comming out of it... I'm still waiting to see it bounce.

After that fun day, Tom, Lemuel and I go out to Blue Martini... The guys are Soooooooo generous with me... maybe even toooo generous. We have a great time. I meet a great looking Hooters girl and I also play therapist for girls down on their luck with men... anyways... I guess that's what I'm good at. The drive back home is not good for my fragile stomach... Sorry Tom...

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